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Kathryn Tokar Haidet is a wife, mother, grandmother, newsletter editor, and dogged survivor of life. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, she and her husband moved to Minnesota in 1976. She received her B.A. in English from Mount Union College and is a lifelong writer. She enjoys reading crime mysteries, going on road trips, and visiting historic sites.

In 2022, Kathryn started a blog and named it The Unquick Quill.  She explained, “I am nearing my seventh decade, and as I look back over my life, I see the changes time has wrought. I have come late to sharing my perceptions, late to writing — I am the Unquick Quill. What can you expect from my blog? Observations, reminiscences, kernels of knowledge, maybe even some pearls of wisdom. What you won’t find are: politics and rants, medical suggestions, bullying, or foul language. I hope you enjoy reading my posts and thinking about life.

The Unquick Quill